1kg Unwind Oxygen Shock
Unwind Oxygen shock is perfect for the regular mitigation of chloramines in your spa pool. When chlorine oxidises bacteria in your, it leaves behind a byproduct called chloramines. These chloramines can make your spa rather uncomfortable and sometimes unsightly, by causing a strong chlorine smell, drying out skin, and irritating the bather’s eyes and nose. Regularly adding Unwind Oxygen Shock will keep your spa free of chloramines for a more comfortable bathing experience.
$44.80 $40.32
Product Description
Active Constituent: Potassium Peroxymono Sulphate.
- Regenerates Bromine in spa water.
- Oxidises swimmer wastes and chloramines from spas.
- Allows quick resumption of spa use.
- Dissolves rapidly and leaves no residue.